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Sometimes vandals come in the middle of the night, leaving a trail of destruction behind. This time, the 'guerrillas' came into a neighborhood known for drug dealing and crime, leaving a lovely furniture and art ensemble in their wake. ... posted on Sep 12 2002, 557 reads


The Ishongo bone is considered by anthropologists to be the second oldest mathematical tool after the Lebombo bone found in Swaziland. Recent studies show that the bone is also a lunar phase counter! Were women our first mathematicians?... posted on Sep 11 2002, 1,075 reads


We'd all like to see the environment protected, but does carpooling or eliminating your junk mail really make a difference? The answer is yes. Turn the Tide is a program that encourages each of us to take 9 basic actions. It then quantifies our collective impact, showing how our individual efforts really do make a difference.
... posted on Sep 10 2002, 514 reads


... posted on Sep 09 2002, 1,000 reads


... posted on Sep 08 2002, 1,533 reads


Researchers have shown how emotions, such as fear, travel along separate paths through the brain and are more likely to interfere with a person's efforts to focus than simple distractions.
... posted on Sep 07 2002, 728 reads


The BBC's Carolyn Dempster notes that South African women are statistically more likely to be raped than to learn to read.... posted on Sep 06 2002, 1,392 reads


Having been bullied as a sensitive child in the segregrated South, nine year old Vernon Kitabu Turner vowed "to become the protector of the weak," giving himself to the art of self-defense "with no less devotion than the samurai of Japan." With 'a mind like water,' he is now able to defeat the greatest of opponents -- with a single finger -- leaving them unharmed and himself with a heart full of ... posted on Sep 05 2002, 1,169 reads


An escaped parrot was reunited with his owners recently. How? He told rescuers his name.
... posted on Sep 04 2002, 739 reads


At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, the international community adopted Agenda 21, an unprecedented global plan of action for sustainable development. But the best strategies are only as good as their implementation. Ten years later, the Johannesburg Summit now offers an exciting opportunity for today's leaders to adopt concrete steps and identify quantifiable targets for better implementing Agenda 2... posted on Sep 03 2002, 775 reads


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David Hawkins

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